Supporting Children’s Mental Health 2025
Supporting Children’s Mental Health Week 2025 Children’s Mental Health Week 2025 takes place from 3rd…
SENCO Staff Members
Special Educational Needs Coordinator – Mrs Condliffe
Special Educational Needs Governor – Mr Walley
Telephone: 01782 234701
Some children will require additional support for a physical, emotional, behavioural or learning difficulty.
At Holden Lane Academy, we identify these needs as soon as possible and if we have a concern about your child, we will always speak to you directly. Any child identified as having a special need is placed on the Special Needs Register and the school’s Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator will work closely with you and your child’s teacher to develop an appropriate plan of support.
Where appropriate, the help and guidance of the Learning Support Service and the Educational Psychologist are sought and parents can also receive support through the Parent Partnership group by calling 01782 234701.
Teachers work in partnership with children, parents and a range of agencies to ensure that children ‘work together and learn for life’.
Every teacher is a teacher of every child including those with SEN. Children have special educational needs if they have a learning difficulty that calls for special educational provision to be made for them.
Children have a learning difficulty if they:
The Children and Families Act (2014) introduced a new approach to the way children, young people and their families are supported. A Special Educational Need and Disability (SEND) Code of Practice provides information and guidance to everyone involved.
Special Educational Needs are supported at Holden Lane in four broad areas:
Communication and Interaction:
Speech, Language and Communication Need
Autistic Spectrum Disorder
Cognition and Learning:
Moderate Learning Difficulty
Specific Learning Difficulty including dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia
Social, Emotional and Mental Health Difficulties
(Stoke on Trent SEND website, October 2014)
Our aims:
External Agencies:
We support children through links with external agencies. These agencies support with learning, health, disabilities and social and emotional health needs.
The following agencies support the school:
Educational Psychologist
This agency offers advice to support pupils with their learning and social and emotional skills.
Special Education Needs and Disability Service
Kuljit Jheeta provides guidance and advice for pupils with a range of learning difficulties.
Inspire is a multi-agency service to support young people who are experiencing difficulty in school. Inspire means Inclusion and Nurture in Stoke on Trent through Prevention, Intervention, Reintegration and Education. Children access a calm, small group environment with specific targets for a placement of two or six weeks.
CAMHS (Child, Adolescent and Mental Health Service)
This service supports and assesses for mental health concerns.
Holden Lane also has links with the following schools that provide outreach support:
Kemball School
Kemball is a day special school administered by Stoke on Trent City Council Children and Young People’s Service (CYPS) to meet the needs of pupils with cognition and learning difficulties aged between 3 and 16 years.
Abbey Hill School and College
Abbey Hill is a large, purpose built Local Authority school for children aged 3 to 19 years with learning difficulties, communication and interaction difficulties or Autistic Spectrum conditions.
Watermill School
Watermill provides support for pupils with moderate, severe, physical and multiple learning difficulties and autism.
Portland School and Specialist College
Portland supports young people with Social, Emotional and Behavioural difficulties.
Support for parents:
Stoke on Trent Special Educational Needs and Disability Information, Advice Support Service provide parents with information, advice and support with all aspects of special educational needs.
We offer our children a balanced and broad education, giving them an introduction to the essential knowledge that they need to be educated citizens. In addition to covering the core national curriculum, our teachers develop exciting lessons to bring real life to the classroom by exploring creative topics from Food Glorious Food and the Animal Kingdom, to Vile Victorians and Ancient Egypt.
Here you can find a collection of our latest news. We aim to keep all stakeholders as up-to-date as possible.
Supporting Children’s Mental Health Week 2025 Children’s Mental Health Week 2025 takes place from 3rd…
Cracking Down on Illegal E-Scooter Use: An Important Operation for Safety This week marks the…
Be sure to join our official Facebook page for Holden Lane Academy! Stay up to…
We are holding a non-uniform fundraising day on Friday 19th July to raise money for…
Families of our Year 6 children are warmly invited to join us to share their…
Families are warmly invited to our Enterprise Gala on Wednesday 17th July at 3.10pm on…
We politely request that parents and carers discourage their children from using the outdoor play…
Huge congratulations to Mrs Lovatt who has been chosen as a Bronze Winner in the…
Next week, the children will be taking part in a transition day in preparation for…
Families are invited to join us for our special end of year awards in the…
Many congratulations to our Year 5 and Year 6 pupils – Archie, Charlie, Chloe, Jade,…
Parent Consultation Evening will take place on Wednesday 10th July from 3.30pm to 7pm. This…
Families are warmly invited to our Sports Days that will soon be taking place to…
Our annual class groups, Year 6 Leavers and Reception Graduation photographs will be taken after…
Families are warmly invited to join us for our Nursery and Reception Class Assembly on…
We were delighted to welcome local poet, Nick Degg, into school last week to share…
In the event of hot weather, please help us to protect your child from the…
Please could we remind all parents and families that in the interest of Health and…
We have a committed and dedicated Governing Body who work very hard for our school…
Families are warmly invited to join us to celebrate the attendance success of our children.…
Parents and carers of our Year 2 and Year 6 pupils are warmly invited to…
SCHOOL CLOSES FOR HALF TERM School closes today for the half term break. We wish…
Please make a note of the following dates for your diary: ¨ Friday 24th May ~…
Very well done to our Year 6 children who worked so hard last week to…
A HUGE well done to everyone who took part in our non-uniform day to raise…
Walk to School Week took place this week. We hope that pupils, parents and staff…
School closes on Friday 24th May for the half term break. We look forward to…
We are holding a non-uniform fundraising gay on Friday 24th May to raise money for…
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