Computing @ Holden Lane Academy

At Holden Lane Academy, we are committed to providing opportunities for children to broaden their knowledge and understanding around a range of applications, online resources and presentation devices. Computing also ensures that pupils become digitally literate, being able to use, express themselves and develop their ideas through information and communication technology, at a level suitable for the future workplace and as active participants in a digital world.

Digital devices, such as laptops and iPads, are distributed around the school to support pupils accessing the computing curriculum and beyond, along with a range of other resources such as programmable toys and voice recording equipment. Teaching children to think computationally is essential learning and should start as young as possible – for example, children in Nursery can understand the importance of sequencing and pattern making.

Learning can also be extended into the home environment through the use of Teach Computing and Times Tables Rock Stars. Using these resources, parents, carers and children can access a range of curriculum resources and support from the comfort of their own home.

Learning in Action:

Computing Documents

Pupil Voice:

Year 1
“I enjoy using the laptops and iPads.
We have learnt how to use the mouse to click on different numbers and how to change colours.  We also drew our faces using different shapes and colours.”
Year 2
Computing is important as you may need to use computers at work, like my dadWe have used Google to search for information about Mary SeacoleLearning how to take close-up photos using iPads was fun.
Year 3
We explored whether drawing pictures using pencil and paper was better than using electronics to create picturesWe found that we still like drawing with pencils on paper but we also like drawing using computers as you can just press ‘undo’ if you make a mistake.
Year 4
I really enjoyed learning how to use Scratch to create codeWe made a game and we had to debug the code if we made a mistake so that it would work properlyWe also used Turtle Playground to create different shapes.
Year 5
We have learnt lots of different skills this year, such as refining our search results when using different search engines to narrow down out resultsWe have also compared a paper database and an electronic database which both store informationYou can sort electronic information by clicking on the fields.
Year 6
Understanding how people used to communicate compared to how we use electronic devices to communicate now has changed things a lot.   Communicating with people who live in a different country is much easier and quicker as we can send emails, text messages or write posts on social media.

Holden Lane is a small school with a big heart.

| Ofsted 2024

Why Holden Lane?

Our mission is to provide a stimulating and exciting learning environment that values and celebrates diversity, effort and achievement in all its forms, providing high quality experiences in all aspects of school life.

Our Curriculum

We offer our children a balanced and broad education, giving them an introduction to the essential knowledge that they need to be educated citizens. In addition to covering the core national curriculum, our teachers develop exciting lessons to bring real life to the classroom by exploring creative topics from Food Glorious Food and the Animal Kingdom, to Vile Victorians and Ancient Egypt.

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